Due to shortage of vaccines in India, it has been very difficult to book slots online. This bot was developed using python and has received over half a million impressions and 1200+ followers. We continue to take feedback and add new features.

Connect 4 game

Studied college coursework available online from CS 4700(Cornell) for introduction in AI. Thereafter I developed a connect 4 game using AI algorithms like minimax

Find best deals for a product across major e-commerce websites!

Amazon scraper

Developed a web scraping system to scrape contents from amazon and automatically search other e-commerce websites like flipkart and sanpdeal for best deals on similar products. I used libraries like beautiful soup and flask.

Miniature Self Driving Car

Car parts

Reviewed coursework from ECE 110(UIUC) , read guides online and saw videos on youtube in order to build a model of a self-driving car using Raspberry Pi , motors and sensors.